Gas pipeline between Temane and Ressano Garcia
Biodiversity Monitoring along the pipeline route between Temane and Ressano Garcia Client: SASOL 2016
Biodiversity Monitoring along the pipeline route between Temane and Ressano Garcia Client: SASOL 2016
Sustainability Plan Client: Mariganha Beach Resort
Evaluation and monitoring of the Implementation of the Resettlement Plan Client: KFW 2017
NATIONAL ROAD 4 – NAMPULA/NAMETIL Environmental Impact Study Client: ANE 2014
Environmental Impact Study Client: Baobab Resources 2015
Addendum to Environmental Impact Study Client: SASOL and ERM 2016
Environmental Impact Study Client: Scatec Solar, Norfund and EDM 2015
Westfalia Fruit, Mozambique and South Africa Environmental Assessment and Action Plan Client: Westfruit and Ramboll 2022
Karowe Diamond Mine, Botswana IESC – for construction monitoring Client: Natixis and Ramboll 2022
Manhiça Bridges, Mozambique Environmental Impact Study Client: Nippon Engineering Consultants and ANE 2022
NACIONAL ROAD N13 – CUAMBA/MASSANGULO Implementation of the Resettlement Plan of Road N13 Client: ANE 2013 e 2014
Solar Plant Project, Chimuara, Mozambique Environmental Impact Study and Resettlement Plan Client: Elecnor 2022
IESC – for construction monitoring Client: RAMBOLL 2022
Environmental Impact Study and Resettlement Plan Client: KECC 2022
Environmental Impact Study Client: RAMBOLL 2023
Resettlement Plan Client: CIMENTOS DE MOÇAMBIQUE 2023
ESMS Client: EDM 2023
Environmental Impact Study Client: TRUE NORTH 2023
Circular Economy training Client: British International Investment (BII) and Ramboll 2023
Development of an Environmental and Social Management System for VAMED Hospitals in Angola Client: VAMED AND HOLISTICOS 2023
Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Management Plan Management of Change Screening for a Cashew Nuts project Client: TOTAL ENERGIES 2023
Offshore Monitoring – Coral and Seagrass monitoring using ROV, BRUVs and scientific divers, underwater noise monitoring using buoys, water monitoring using probes and Niskin bottles, benthos monitoring. Client: CCSJV ONGOING